7 Key Reasons to Consider Oval Gear Flow Meter Technology

Macnaught is the global leader in Positive Displacement Oval Gear Flow Meter manufacturing and has been since 1964. Our meters are designed for clean process fluids from water to highly viscous fluids.

Our product portfolio consists of General Industrial and Hazard Zone fluid measurement solutions.
Macnaught’s value pledge to the customer consists of:

  • Maintain a large stock of ready-to-ship Meters, Displays, and related Accessories.
  • Ensure urgent delivery on items not in stock – our typical lead times are 1-4 weeks, best in the industry!
  • Strive to provide Meter proposals within the hour. Ensure each proposal has all required supporting technical documentation
Macnaught is the largest global provider of Positive Displacement Oval Gear Flow Meters and has been since 1964.

Largest global provider of Positive Displacement Oval Gear Flow Meters

We carry a large inventory of stocked meters in sizes ¼” thru 4” with flow ranges as low as .5 LPH to 2500 liters per Minute. Non-stock meters can ship in 5-14 business days. All Flow Meters are tested with an individual calibration certificate along with K-Factor. Macnaught can process Flow Meter quotes within the hour with supporting documentation for Australia, South Pacific Region & Asia.

Consult with our Flow Meter Specialists

Our technical staff has decades of PD Meter applications engineering experience and can assist with Flow Meter selection, specification and installation guidance.

Receive an Immediate
Flow Meter Proposal

Fill out the Request for Quote form and our team will work up your quotation with urgency.

Macnaught Oval Gear Flow Meter Advantages

Consult with our Flow Meter Specialists