Diesel Fuel Flowmeter Measurement and Consumption Solutions

Macnaught Diesel Fuel Flow meters have for decades offered highly accurate and precise fuel measurement and fuel consumption solutions.

Designed and manufactured in Australia since 1964, Macnaught’s oval gear meter technology provides proven volumetric measurement and is well suited for most fuel measurement applications. Macnaught offers varying accuracy, performance and price points to fit all fuel consumption budgets.


Macnaught is the largest global provider of Positive Displacement Oval Gear Flow Meters and has been since 1964.

Largest global provider of Positive Displacement Oval Gear Flow Meters

We carry a large inventory of stocked meters in sizes ¼” thru 4” with flow ranges as low as .5 LPH to 2500 liters per Minute. Non-stock meters can ship in 5-14 business days. All Flow Meters are tested with an individual calibration certificate along with K-Factor. Macnaught can process Flow Meter quotes within the hour with supporting documentation for USA, Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean.

Consult with our Flow Meter Specialists

Our technical staff has decades of PD Meter applications engineering experience and can assist with Flow Meter selection, specification and installation guidance.

Contact our Flow Meter Specialist

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Macnaught Oval Gear Flow Meter Advantages

Macnaught FCM (fuel consumption) High Accuracy Diesel Fuel Flow Meters

Macnaught MX Series FCM Flow Meter Overview

Macnaught FCM Flow Meters are special-purpose flow devices designed to provide .1% Accuracy in Fuel Consumption Meter Applications.

FCM Meters thrive in harsh environments and work very well in heavy vibration, swirling dust, flying mud, heavy rain or other excessive mobile or stationary conditions. This meter class works with clean filtered fluids only and does not measure gas or liquids with solids present. The unique magnetic attachment method does away with mechanical fastening and improves substrate mating while significantly reducing connection stress.
Macnaught FCM-MX Full Flow Range Diesel Fuel Consumption Flow Meters

Macnaught MX Series FCM Flow Meter Overview

Macnaught FCM-MX Flow Meters offer our full volumetric flow range in sizes ¼” thru 4” and flow ranges from .5 LPH to 2500 LPM with temperature compensation.

 Designed specifically for high accuracy Diesel Fuel Consumption Measurement applications. Macnaught continues to lead the industrial market in the DFM segment and has since 1964. Our patented precision Oval Gear design coupled with the legendary MX Series Flow Meter platform have been installed in tens of thousands of fuel measurement projects around the globe.

Consult with our Flow Meter Specialists